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April is Autism Acceptance Month! In celebration, we have decided to feature and engage our many artists affected by Autism for a special exhibition to spread awareness, promote acceptance, and ignite change.
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a complex, lifelong developmental disability that affects essential human behaviors such as social interaction, the ability to communicate ideas and feelings, imagination, self-regulation, and the ability to establish relationships with others.
Individuals with ASD often have heightened emotional responses which are very difficult for them to control. These unregulated emotions can manifest in impulsive behaviors, anxiety, irritability, outbursts, aggressive behavior, and self-injury. On the flip side, some individuals with ASD are full of good energy and maintain a self-imposed positive attitude that can seem unshakeable at times. Considering all of the big feelings that come along with Autism, we try to encourage art-making as a positive way to cope and communicate.
For this exhibition, we have prompted our artists on the spectrum to create works that are all about emotion. The result is a dynamic and self-reflective body of work that seeks to understand the human condition, and gives us all “the feels.”
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Project Onward believes we can inspire change by using art to promote empathy and reduce the stigma of mental illness and developmental disabilities. We seek to improve the self-image of artists by emphasizing the social and economic value of their work.
You can directly contribute to this belief and help improve the lives of each Project Onward artist by purchasing their work. Our online shop is open 24/7, and half of the sale for each original piece goes directly to the artist.
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