Hello Project Onward Friends,
I'd like you to know that Project Onward's team of artists, staff, interns and volunteers are all doing well during this crisis time. No Project Onward team members have tested positive for the virus.
However, effective Monday, March 16th, Project Onward will close the studio and gallery to the public while team members work from the safety of their own homes until May 1st. The safety and health of our artists and team is our number one priority. This decision was not made lightly. As you may know, our artists love coming to the studio to create art and interact with their fellow artists, meet customers and talk about their work. I will continue to actively monitor the coronavirus situation and make a decision whether to open Project Onward on May 1st.
In addition, our 3rd Friday Open Studio night scheduled to open March 20, 2020 with our new show INK Explorations has been canceled. We will add all of the artwork that our artists worked so hard to produce onto our website's Online Store. Be on the lookout for it. A picture won't do it justice. I am so proud of our artists' journey into a new medium and you will be amazed by it. You may request to have your order delivered via mail or have it held until we reopen and you can pick it up. And, if that's the case, please call ahead to let us know when to expect you.
These are strange days but rest assured we will continue to keep you apprised of all developments. Email me at any time, I'm happy to chat with you about our artists, artwork or any concerns you may have.
I look forward to a normal time when we're all happily working together to create art and seeing you again in the studio. Hopefully, it's soon!
Nancy Gomez
Executive Director
PS. Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram for more in-the-moment updates.